Sampling and Culturing of Flexible Endoscopes: Stage Two – The Culturing Process

Microbiological sampling and culturing is a multi-step surveillance testing technique used to prevent the transmission of infectious agents through endoscopy [1]. Stage two, the culturing process, includes colony count, identification of microorganisms, documentation and evaluation of the culturing results [2].

Although the sampling and culturing of endoscopes is commonplace in many countries, national guidelines and laws on hygiene and infection control vary and are based on historic regional/national level evidence [1].

The infographic gives an overview of the different culturing stages as well as culturing essentials.

Sources and further readings

  1. Olympus. Understanding the Differences in Sampling & Culturing of Flexible Endoscopes: Why we need a unified approach. Available online at: Accessed March 2023.

  2. Olympus. Tips, Tricks and Insights for Implementation and Management of an Endoscope Sampling and Culturing Program. Available at: Accessed March 2023.